Whether seeking increased confidence, clarity, and energy or want to release stress and anxiety, A-Z Mindfulness empowers you with the present of presence. Discover proven practices which create feelings of tranquility and drastically improve well-being. Lani's inspiring, intuitive, and creative customized sessions shift the way you relate to stress and create space to access more peace, love, and happiness. Lani coaches and connects with her students while educating on and practicing mindful moments to enhance peace, joy, creativity, and receive deep insight. Schedule private sessions with Lani and customize a program to specifically meet your needs. Students of all ages gain invaluable resources from these personalized sessions with Lani.
Schedule a free consultation.
"Lani teaches skills that are fun and easy to learn and really connected with my son. The lessons are playful and engaging and she leaves us with strategies to work on for the week. He's really benefited from the skills. The three step process before bed gets him settled and cloud meditation centers him during the day. I believe the younger they can implement mindfulness into their routine, the more likely they will carry this much needed skill set with them throughout their lives. " -Mom of 8 year old, Highland Park, IL
"Thanks a million for your continued dedication. I know its getting harder and harder to reach him, but your love shines through and makes him happy." -Alice, wife of 87 year old student with dementia
"I learned skills that I thought would just help me sleep, but ended up helping me in numerous anxiety provoking situations." -Edward, 19 year old
"I love learning with Lani. She is the real deal and really practices what she preaches. She teaches in the most gentle but positive way, answering all my silly questions of "Why" and "How." Her knowledge is vast; she has a keen sense of the physical body and breath, but also understands the mind-body connection and how to achieve the best results, with patience and non-judgement." -Barbara, 53 year old
"Your instruction felt incredibly grounding and holding. Loved it!" Roman
"I believe that 50% of my headaches come from my tension in my neck that travels to my head. I was able to loosen my neck up. Your cues are so good and I feel great. Thanks you" Joan during Covid-19 Zoom meeting
"Thank you Lani for helping me relieve so much of my stress during this crazy time (COVID). I truly love weekly yoga, meditation and breathing. It gives me a feeling of peace and clears my mind so I can relax and feel like a new me." Penelope
"Thank you for all the amazing breathing techniques you taught me! They have really been helpful in lowering my anxiety in these unprecedented times. The tools you have taught me are invaluable and I use them on a daily bases when going to bed, watching the news, and even completing my homework. I cannot thank you enough for how much you have impacted my life for the better. I am now able to regulate my anxiety with 26 mindfulness techniques that I have on my own personal tool belt. Thank you." Jonathan, Sophomore during Pandemic 1-on-1 Zoom sessions
"Lani has been teaching my daughter mindfulness techniques and strategies to help her manage daily stress and separation anxiety. Almost immediately, we saw the positive effect that Lani's mindfulness techniques and teaching style were having on our daughter.
Lani's vast knowledge about applying mindfulness in everyday situations has taught our daughter skills that have transformed her life. Our daughter is proud that she can take control of her "worries" by practicing mindfulness when a parent is late to pick up at basketball practice or a family member returns home later than expected. Lani's ability to teach others how to apply mindfulness techniques in everyday situations has had an enormous positive impact on our daughter's life. It has truly been transformative. -Kelly, mom of 11 year old
"I am grateful for Lani, and my family, friends and health. The world wouldn't be the same without it. Now I have time to feel happy!!" -11 year old, Northbrook, IL
"Mindfulness has taught me techniques to help me fall asleep and stay focused at work." -Bradley, 22 year old
"When I practice Relaxation, I am calm and focused on my body parts. Focusing on one thing makes me feel relaxed because I am not multi-tasking. It gives me a chance to be mindful and have time with myself." Mimi
"Thanks for leading Zoom mindfulness. My friends and I had so much fun! These words describe how we felt after class: Centered, balanced, grounded, relieved, calm, relaxed, free, and focused." Mary and 12-year old friends
"I never knew exactly what yoga and mindfulness was because I didn't quite balance or get into Zen moments other seemed to until I started to practice with Lani. During class, I am transformed into a beautiful mental state while physically challenging my body. I've strengthened my weak body areas where I had discomfort and increased my flexibility. But the most amazing part I have found is the mental peace I feel after every time we practice. I am truly grateful for this experience which brings me such happiness. Lani is patient and inspires me to give it my all." Tara
Welcome! Schedule a free consultation and discover your truth!